27 Common Breastfeeding Questions – and Answers!

Breastfeeding may be natural, but that doesn’t always mean it’s easy! Here are over 27 common breastfeeding questions – along with answers and solutions – to help you be successful! Problems with Breastfeeding For something that is as natural as breastfeeding…it can be tricky to navigate. Over the past few years as I have immersed […]

The Best Breast Pumps For Moms of Twins

Pumping for two is a commitment and because of that you are going to want the best breast pump available. Choosing a breast pump for a twin mom is an important decision but it doesn’t have to be stressful. We’ve researched the best pumps for a mom of multiples so you don’t have to! Breastfeeding […]

The Ardo Calypso Breast Pump : Is This The Breast Pump For You?

If you are looking for a modern, comfortable and easy to use breast pump than the Ardo Calypso Breast Pump might be for you! Our Ardo Calypso Breast Pump review goes over everything you need to know to help you decide if it is a great fit for your breastfeeding and pumping journey. Picking a […]

Can Breastfeeding Moms Drink Coffee?

If you are a coffee drinker you may wonder how safe it is to drink coffee while breastfeeding. That is a good question to ask as you defintiely want to make sure you are consuming things that aren’t going to be harmful to yourself or your baby while breastfeeding. But there’s good news- yes! You […]

Can Breastfeeding Cause Depression?

Mental health is always important and something to be aware of- especially when you’re pregnant, post-partum andor breastfeeding. But does breastfeeding cause depression? That is a bit of a load question but let’s dive into it a little more. Can breastfeeding cause depression? Depression can occur anytime. Many women experience post-partum depression while others may […]

Can Breastfeeding Cause Headaches?

Breastfeeding is such a beautiful and amazing act of physical love. But sometimes it can take a toll on you. There are many side effects that accompany breastfeeding so it is important to take care of your physical and mental health. Can breastfeeding cause headaches? Many women may find that they get headaches while breastfeeding. […]

Can Breastfeeding Make You Tired?

Breastfeeding has many side effects. You might find yourself feeling extra sleepy while you breastfeed. Is it connected to breastfeeding though? Or are you just a new mom who is a bit sleep deprived? Let’s find out. Can breastfeeding make me tired? First of all it is completely normal to feel tired as a post-partum […]

Which Breast Should I Start With When Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a very personal journey for many women. No two experiences will be the same. It is common to question just about everything when it comes to breastfeeding. Many women might wonder how to know which breast to start with when breastfeeding. There are a few ways to help you figure that out. Which […]

Can Breastfeeding Cause Constipation?

Some women may find that they are more constipated while breastfeeding. While totally normal, there are a few things you can do to help it. Can breastfeeding cause constipation? If you find yourself constipated more often while breastfeeding you might want to first look at your current diet. When you breastfeed you may be eating […]

What Does Breastfeeding Do To Your Breasts?

Your breasts will change before, during and after breastfeeding and some women may worry that their breasts will be “ruined” when they’re finished. You may feel like your breasts become saggy. This isn’t always true and everyone is different. What does breastfeeding do to your breasts? A lot of women worry about their breasts becoming […]