Can You Use It Works! While Breastfeeding?

Getting back into shape after having a baby is important to a lot of women. While there are a lot of ways to lose the extra pounds some women turn to It Works! products to help them. This article will answer the question is it safe to use It Works! while breastfeeding? Can you use […]

Can You Take Theraflu While Breastfeeding? What New Moms Should Know.

Breastfeeding mamas are pretty amazing, but that won’t keep you from getting the common cold. Symptoms such as a low fever, cough, runny nose, and muscle soreness are not fun and can keep you down and anyone would want to try and find relief. There are options for you as a breastfeeding mom, but is […]

Can I Take Midol While Breastfeeding?

When you are pregnant or breastfeeding it is so important to make sure that what you are consuming is safe for you and baby. Medications are a huge topic of conversation when it comes to safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Keep reading to find out if you can take Midol while breastfeeding. Anytime you take […]

Can I Breastfeed After Local Anesthesia?

You may find yourself needing to undergo local anesthesia while breastfeeding. Some things cannot be avoided and it’s important to stay healthy and take care of yourself. You also want to make sure you are doing the best thing for your baby, too and may wonder can I breastfeed after local anesthesia? Local anesthesia should […]

Can I Take Magnesium While Breastfeeding? What You Should Know

Many women are curious about whether or not they can take magnesium while breastfeeding, Before you make any decisions, read this blog post to learn more about what effects taking magnesium may have on your baby. Many breastfeeding women are concerned about taking supplements while breastfeeding because they’re afraid of what effect they could have […]

Can I Take AZO While Breastfeeding?

Many women find themselves in the predicament of whether or not to take Azo while breastfeeding. We’ll go over all of this and more below! If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is important to be knowledgeable about the medications that could potentially harm your baby. One medication that has been found to have an […]

Can I Take Collagen While Breastfeeding?

Collagen has been all the rage lately. You can find it in many beauty products, like masks and creams, but is collagen safe while breastfeeding? This article will answer that question for you! Collagen is a natural supplement- but what about taking collagen while breastfeeding? There are mixed opinions on this topic but let’s explore […]

Why Is My Breastmilk Watery?

There are many reasons why your breastmilk might be watery. Let’s discuss some of the most common causes for this symptom and what you can do about them! It is normal for breastmilk to be watery. Many mothers wonder if there is something wrong because their milk seems thinner than usual, or because it leaks […]

Can You Donate Blood While You Are Breastfeeding?

Can you donate blood while breastfeeding? This is a question that many moms may be asking themselves. In this blog post we will go over all the information needed to help make your decision easier and determine what is best for you! Can you donate blood while breastfeeding? Yes, it is possible. The American Red […]

20+ Gifts For Breastfeeding Moms for Every Budget

Do you have a loved one who is breastfeeding and looking for some gifts? Moms of course need plenty of rest and relaxation, but they also deserve to be pampered every once in a while. If you’re not sure what to get them, here are some ideas for gifts for breastfeeding moms. Occasionally it can […]