Are you currently pregnant or wanting to become pregnant and also breastfeeding? If so you may be concerned about whether or not breastfeeding can cause a miscarriage. 1 in 4 women will experience pregnancy loss and there are many different factors that contribute to that devastating loss. So is nursing during pregnancy safe?
Can breastfeeding cause a miscarriage?
Rest assured, breastfeeding during pregnancy is safe and although there are conflicting opinions on the issues there is no concrete research to suggest that breastfeeding will increase your risk of miscarriage.
It is possible that small amounts of pregnancy hormones’ may be present in your milk, however they are not harmful to your breastfeeding child. Oxytocin is released in small amounts while you nurse so it is not enough to induce preterm labor- which is another concern mothers often have.
While there is no need to stop breastfeeding while pregnant be aware that you will most likely start to produce colostrum to prepare for your new baby’s birth. Your nursing child may not like the change in taste and subsequently they may begin to wean themselves. If he doesn’t seem to mind the taste it is fine for him to keep feeding.
Always consult your physician if you have any concerns or if you are experiencing a high risk pregnancy.
New to breastfeeding? Need a refresher for a second baby? Make sure you signup for “The Complete Online Breastfeeding Class“. This on demand class is designed to help you meet your breastfeeding goals.
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