Breastfeeding Your Newborn Baby: What All New Parents Should Know

newborn breastfeeding tips

From the first latch to cluster feeding – this post shares everything you need to know about getting started on the right foot with your newborn baby when it comes to breastfeeding! Having a newborn is such an exciting time – though it can bring plenty of questions – especially when it comes to breastfeeding! […]

The Best Online Tongue Tie Support Groups for the United States!

tongue tie support group

If you have a baby with a tongue or lip tie it be helpful to find support from others. Facebook is filled with Tongue and Lip Tie Support Groups. Even better-most states have a support group so you can find resources that are local to you. Finding out your baby or child has a tongue […]

How to Help Milk Come in Faster After Birth: 12 Must-Know Tips

what helps milk supply come in

Are you a new mom anxiously waiting for your breast milk to come in? Are you worried that you aren’t making enough breast milk in the first few days that meet your baby’s needs? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Every new mom experiences it differently, but here are eight tips that can help speed things […]

7 Reasons Your Newborn Won’t Latch

newborn not latching

One of the biggest early breastfeeding problems for many new moms is when their newborn won’t latch. I’ve worked with countless mothers struggling with this, and it can feel soul-wrenching. In my experience, if a baby isn’t latching – there’s a reason! Fortunately, many newborn latching issues can be overcome with the right help. Drawing […]