How to Combine Formula and Breast Milk: A Step-by-Step Guide

Feeding your baby is one of the most important tasks as a new parent, and every family’s feeding journey is unique. For many, combining breast milk and formula becomes the best option for meeting their baby’s needs. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to combine breast milk and formula safely and effectively. If […]

Why Is My Breast Milk Watery? Understanding the Changes in Your Milk

Breastfeeding can sometimes feel like a mystery, especially when your breast milk doesn’t look how you expect it to. While most moms expect their breast milk to be thick, white, and creamy, this isn’t always how it looks (breast milk can be any number of colors, for one!). Many breastfeeding mothers ask: “Why is my […]

Breastfeeding and Gestational Diabetes: Everything You Need to Know

Does Gestational Diabetes impact your ability to breastfeed? Here is everything you need to know about Gestational Diabetes and breastfeeding. Having Gestational Diabetes does NOT mean you will have trouble breastfeeding. My milk came in at 24 hours postpartum with my son, and I’ve been able to successfully breastfeed him now for eight months. However, […]

Birth Control When Breastfeeding: Everything You Need to Know

Are you wondering what methods of birth control are the best while breastfeeding? In this post, we will discuss the different methods to help you decide what’s best for you! One of the most common questions breastfeeding moms have is birth control safe while breastfeeding. We will answer all your birth control and breastfeeding questions […]

Body Armor for Milk Supply – Does it Actually Work?

body armor for milk supply

Body Armor for increasing milk supply is a very popular recommendation – but is it actually legit? Here’s what I think! Body Armor for Milk Supply If there is one thing that has taken mommy groups across the US by storm over the past few years, it’s body armor. Body Armor – and it’s supposed […]

Blue Gatorade for Increasing Milk Supply – Does it Help?

blue gatorade for milk supply (5 of 7)

The recommendation to drink Blue Gatorade for increasing milk supply is a popular one that floods mommy groups everywhere. But does it actually work? Here are my thoughts! Having spent much of the last six years running a Facebook breastfeeding group, I’ve seen my fair share of recommendations on how to increase milk supply. No […]

30+ Galactagogues for Increasing Milk Supply


Galactagogues are pretty popular for those who are wanting to increase milk supply – but they aren’t for everyone. Here is what you need to know, along with 30+ foods, herbs and medications that are known for increasing breast milk supply. Struggling with milk supply can be a really frustrating – and even devastating – […]

The Best Foods to Help Increase Milk Supply

Are you hoping to find out what foods help produce milk? While nothing is better than increased stimulation to the breast, many women are not eating enough while breastfeeding, which can impact your supply. There are plenty of non-gassy foods to eat while breastfeeding – and there are even some best foods to increase milk supply. If […]

How Many Lactation Cookies Should You Eat A Day

Many breastfeeding women look for ways to boost their milk supply. Some moms turn to Lactation Cookies to help them get that extra boost their milk need. So the question is– how many Lactation Cookies should you eat in a day? How many Lactation Cookies should you eat in a day? If you are a […]