Proper Breastfeeding Latch: Step-by-Step Guide for Easier Latching

Through my experience as a mom and private practice IBCLC, latching is one of the biggest culprits behind breastfeeding problems. Attaining a proper breastfeeding latch is crucial for success. Here proper latch for breastfeeding diagram and what a baby who is latched appropriately will look like: But let’s break it down a little further and […]
7 Reasons Your Newborn Won’t Latch

One of the biggest early breastfeeding problems for many new moms is when their newborn won’t latch. I’ve worked with countless mothers struggling with this, and it can feel soul-wrenching. In my experience, if a baby isn’t latching – there’s a reason! Fortunately, many newborn latching issues can be overcome with the right help. Drawing […]