If you’re a new mom, getting your baby to breastfeed after taking a bottle can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! You can soon have your little one back on the breast with the right approach and attitude. So if you’re looking for tips on weaning from a bottle to breastfeeding, read on – because in this blog post I’m sharing some expert advice that’ll make transitioning back more manageable than ever!
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! As you embark on this exciting and challenging mission of raising your newborn, one crucial thing to consider is how best to ensure they get the nourishment they need.
For various reasons, new parents may start bottle feeding and then desire to start breastfeeding directly.
This can be a tricky transition, especially because bottle feeding tends to be easier for most babies.
But don’t worry! In this post, we’ll cover tips and tricks that you can use to make the transition to breastfeeding as easy and smooth as possible for both baby and mom.
Tips on how to get baby to breastfeed after bottle feeding
If you’re considering introducing breastmilk to a bottle-fed baby, there are several things to keep in mind.
- It’s important to understand that transitioning from bottle feeding to breastfeeding can take some time. A baby used to the ease and convenience of a bottle might initially reject the breast, so it’s essential to be patient and understanding as they learn how to latch and feed from the breast.
- Learn how to paced bottle feed and the benefits of doing so. If your baby is really resistant to the breast, you may even consider using a supplemental nursing system (it’s best to do this with the support of a lactation consultant).
- Experiment with different bottles and nipples to see what your baby responds to.
- Start offering the breast at a time where your baby is reasonably content. You want the breast to be a happy place – if he or she is always crying when you try, they will associate negative emotions with the breast.
- It may be helpful to start by offering your breast when the baby is sleepy or drowsy since this can make latching easier for them.
- Practice as much skin to skin as you can – again, we want to make the breast a happy place. Some moms find that taking a bath together can be helpful as well.
- You can also use a nipple shield or an infant-sized syringe filled with your expressed milk to get them started. Make sure you are working with a lactation consultant if you attempt this.
- Establishing a regular nursing schedule is key. You should aim for 8-12 feedings per 24-hour period, each lasting between 15-20 minutes. You can give a bottle first to help with the initial hunger and then switch to the breast. You can try feeding the bottle in a breastfeeding position to help the transition be easier.
- Try alternating breasts during each session, and then let the baby decide when they’re done eating.
- To help ensure an adequate milk supply, it can be helpful to pump after each nursing session if you haven’t had a lot of milk before.
Additionally, you may want to try some basic latching techniques with a pacifier before attempting to latch onto the breast. This will give your baby the opportunity to practice latching and associating sucking with feeding.
If you find that your child is having issues with nursing, it might be worthwhile to have them evaluated for any oral restrictions or to see if their body is out of alignment. Some find that chiropractic can help with breastfeeding!
It’s important to remember that this process may take some trial and error and it might take several attempts before you successfully get your little one latched onto the breast properly.
Be patient and keep trying; if all else fails consider consulting a lactation consultant who can provide personalized tips and tricks tailored specifically for you and your baby’s needs! I offer virtual lactation consults if you need one!
If your goal is to get your baby back to the breast after bottle feeding, this article has the basics for getting started. Be sure to comment with any additional questions!