20+ Ideas for a Breastfeeding Station Basket for New Moms


Breastfeeding doesn’t require a lot of supplies – but there are some items to make it easier. Here is an easy breastfeeding basket that you can put together for yourself or as a baby shower gift!

infant feeding station

Breastfeeding Gift Basket

I’ve attended a lot of baby showers, and I always enjoy seeing what other people get for baby shower gifts.

One of my favorite things is when I see another new mother “pass on” her knowledge by giving a basket of her favorite items that she used with her new baby.

I mean, no one knows what a new mom needs more than a new mom herself!

With my third baby’s due date quickly arriving, I have been thinking a lot about what the necessities were that I needed in those first few weeks and months – and so many of them had to do with breastfeeding.

So I thought it would be fun to put together a little breastfeeding essentials basket. I’ll fully admit that I made this basket for me – but in the process, I thought it seemed like a great baby shower gift, so I’m going to share that here. It makes for a great gift for a new or second-time mom (or third…fourth…etc).

Now for more details on the Breastfeeding basket. First off, here is just a list of everything that was included in the basket I put together.

Breastfeeding Gift Basket

I asked in my Breastfeeding Support Tribe on Facebook what other moms would include, and I combined that with some of my favorite breastfeeding products.

I really tried to focus just on breastfeeding, rather than postpartum recovery as a whole.

Breastfeeding Gift Basket Ideas

breastfeeding station ideas
  • A nice storage basket that can be used bedside, as a diaper changing station, etc. Here is the one pictured in this post.
  • Printable Breastfeeding Reference Charts (see below for these!)
  • Nursing Pads – either disposable or reusable. I personally prefer the Lansinoh disposable nursing pads, but I know a lot of people like Bamboobies washable ones.
  • TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Packs – I can’t say enough good things about these. They saved me when I had some pretty terrible clogged ducts and mastitis!
  • Milk Storage Bags
  • LaVie Lactation Massager – I am excited to try this out. It’s supposed to help with milk flow, clogged ducts, and engorgement.
  • Sunflower Lecithin – I am not usually a big fan of breastfeeding supplements, but this one really can work wonders for recurrent clogged ducts and/or mastitis.
  • Insulated Water Bottle
  • Haakaa/Silicone Breast Pump – These became popular after I had Oliver, and I’m excited to try it out. It’s a great way to get some extra breast milk in the freezer without pulling out a big ol’ breast pump.
  • Protein Bars or other breastfeeding snacks
  • Nipple Cream – the Earth Mama Angel Baby brand is my favorite.
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Nursing Bra – I would avoid trying to find a nursing bra that mom can wear out in public, just because she probably should be fitted for that in person. However, a sleep nursing bra would be awesome, as it just comes in S-XXL type sizes. I love these for the first few weeks. You could also include a gift card to Kindred Bravely, which is my favorite nursing bra company. Use the code 20TBM for 20% off.
  • Nursing Nightgown – I got this one on Amazon, and it is SO soft. I loved the price, too.
  • Subscription to Netflix or Hulu – I didn’t actually include this, because, well, I’m not giving this basket to anyone (and I already have Netflix and Hulu). But a lot of time is spent just sitting, and sometimes it’s nice to have something to watch. Here are some of my favorite binge-worth Netflix shows.
  • Gel Nipple Pads
  • Soft blanket – blankets are a pretty common gift for babies…but why not give one to the mom herself? My mom made me a really beautiful and soft fleece blanket during my last pregnancy, and I love it. The one pictured below is super soft, and it’s from Saranoni.

You can also get some other ideas in my best breastfeeding supplies and products post.

Breastfeeding GIft Basket Ideas

Breastfeeding Gifts for Mom

So here are some more details on what I’ve included above:

Breastfeeding Charts

First off, I’ve created this set of SIX breastfeeding reference charts. These are chockful of information, tips, and tricks for moms when they are breastfeeding.

I printed these off in the 5×7 size and then I laminated them. You could also put a magnet on the back if you wanted to.

Breastfeeding Printables

The six printables are:

  • Best breastfeeding positions
  • Breast milk storage guidelines
  • Pumping Tips
  • Power Pumping Schedule
  • Breastfeeding FAQs and Resources
  • Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms

You can download these for free by clicking the button below.

[purchase_link id=”91419″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

Water Bottle

I actually forgot to put this in the picture above – oops! But drinking water is super important for a breastfeeding mother.

Prior to what some think, it’s not so much important to drink gallons and gallons of water – but to drink to thirst. But having a water bottle that stays cold is helpful.

I included this insulated water cup – and just for fun, I made a little decal to put on it with my Cricut. If you happen to have a Cricut, you can get the Design Space File here – it’s been designed to fit specifically with this insulated water cup.

There you have it! What would you put in your basket?

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One Response

  1. I absolutely loved this post! The ideas for the breastfeeding station basket are so practical and thoughtful. I can’t wait to put together my own basket with some of these suggestions. Thank you for making it easier for new moms like me to stay organized and comfortable while breastfeeding!

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Welcome ToThe Breastfeeding Mama

Hi! I’m Katie Clark – mom of three and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Over the past eight years, I’ve dedicated my life to helping thousands of breastfeeding moms around the world overcome their breastfeeding problems and find peace in their journey. I can’t wait to help you!