Breastfeeding Essentials: What You Actually Need (And What You Don’t)

The difference between a smooth breastfeeding journey and an overwhelming one often comes down to investing in the right support and resources. While the breastfeeding market is flooded with countless products promising to make your journey easier, the truth is you need far fewer items than most new mothers think. With 83.9% of American mothers […]

When is Prolactin Highest? A Guide to Peak Production Times for Nursing Mothers

As a lactation consultant, I love the science behind breastfeeding and sharing that knowledge with new moms. Sometimes, when you understand the process a little bit more, it makes it easier to understand the why behind what I teach. Let me share some of the science behind when your prolactin levels are highest. During the […]

The Best Twin Breastfeeding Pillows and Hacks Every Twin Mom Should Know

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a huge fan of breastfeeding pillows with singleton babies. It often makes it difficult to get the baby in a good position to feed and get a good latch. However, every twin mom I’ve talked to – including my friend, twin breastfeeding expert Shelly from Twin […]