Breastfeeding and Alcohol: Everything You Need to Know

Breastfeeding and the consumption of alcohol can be a tricky subject. In this article, you will learn all you need to know about breastfeeding and alcohol, based on the most current research. When you are breastfeeding many moms wonder how alcohol affects your breastmilk and your baby. Here is everything you need to know about […]
Top Must-Haves for Breastfeeding Twin Babies

Breastfeeding Twins can seem overwhelming. Before you get started on this magical journey you will want to make sure you have all the necessities to help you on your way- and we have compiled a list of all the Breastfeeding Twin Must Haves you need to know about! Congratulations! You are either a new twin […]
Willow versus Elvie: Which Hands-Free Pump is Best?

Using a hands-free breast pump is the new way to offer freedom and flexibility for new moms. The Willow and Elvie are both wireless, cordless, hands-free pumps and we want to help you figure out which one is best for you! Choosing a breast pump can seem like a daunting task. There are so many […]
Six Helpful Apple Watch Breastfeeding Apps

There are so many Breastfeeding Apps available for you to choose from- but if you want one that is compatible with your Apple Watch then we have you covered. We are sharing some of the best Breastfeeding Apps for an Apple Watch and breaking down everything you need to know before choosing which ones is […]
Free Alcohol and Breastfeeding Chart Printable

Here is a chart that I created which gives you a general idea of how long after drinking a “standard” drink you should be able to breastfeed, based on your weight. A standard drink is considered: 12 ounces of 5% beer 5 ounces of 11% wine 1.5 ounces of 40% liquor This should only be […]
9+ Essentials for Preparing for Breastfeeding Before Baby Arrives

Pregnancy comes with a lot of preparation for new mothers – don’t forget to include breastfeeding in that plan! Here are five smart ways to prepare during pregnancy to successfully breastfeed especially in the first week and early days of your newborn’s life. “Is there anything I can do to prepare to breastfeed during pregnancy […]
The Ultimate Guide to Dairy-Free Breastfeeding (From a Dairy-Free Mom)

Learn from a seasoned dairy-free mom about how to navigate being dairy free while breastfeeding. Read about her journey and find out her favorite products to help you make the swap easier. Hello and greetings. My name is Megan Lavin, and I blog over at, and I’m so excited to share my best dairy-free breastfeeding tips […]
How to Hand Express Breast Milk – and the Amazing Reasons Why All Moms Should Know How to!

Hand expression is a powerful tool that every breastfeeding mother should have in her skill set! This post teaches you how to hand express, why you might want to do it, and some of the exciting research to support the early expression of breast milk via hand expression. Hand Expression is one of the most […]
Breastfeeding and Your Period: Everything You Need to Know

Are you wondering when your period will return while breastfeeding and how your period will affect your milk supply? We have these answers and more including pain management options while breastfeeding. There are so many questions surrounding breastfeeding and periods, with so much info out there it is hard to know when will your period […]
COVID Vaccine and Breastfeeding– Is the Vaccine Safe for Lactating Women?

With the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, breastfeeding women everywhere are wondering if it’s safe for them to get. This article shares statements from professional organizations to help guide the conversation for you. The COVID-19 Pandemic has been a life changing event for people all over the world. The news of the United States’ emergency […]